TWAS Animal Rescue



Project 2023

At TWAS, not only dogs are helped, but also cats. A special cat house is required for this. This time the annual project is therefore for TWAS itself, so that the cat enclosure can be realized. The space is already there. But to make it a pleasant stay, a lot still needs to be done.
For example, a new roof must be installed, the walls must be isolated, floors and a separate quarantine area are indispensable. To keep the kittens warm, heat pumps are needed and of course we also want to furnish everything with nice baskets and scratching posts for scratching and climbing and scrambling.
With this space we can accommodate even more animals until a nice home is found. You understand, this requires money. Would you like to support our annual project? Your donation is very welcome on account number:
TWAS Animal Rescue
BE56 0689 3305 8888

Under mention: Gift project 2023

Project piggy bank

TWAS Project piggy bank TWAS Animal Rescue helps animals in need.
Any contribution, no matter how small or large, is welcome.

The proceeds of these piggy banks goes entirely to our castration projects and medical costs.

We also help people who cannot afford to castrate their cat, in order to fight the stray cat problem here in Belgium. For this we ask for proof of a low income and/or benefit. Of course this remains private and is for control, so that we can help people (and therefore the cats) who really need it.

Our piggy banks are located in various shops in various places in Belgium, of course in consultation with the owner.

Do you know a location where a piggy bank could be? Think of pet shops, veterinarians, grooming salons, etc. Please contact Dania via or via a private message on our Facebook page TWAS Animal Rescue. The piggy bank comes with an information folder. Feel free to ask us for more information.